I was so excited this morning I could hardly contain myself…. The beauty and insanity of the holiday season is behind me, our New Year’s party was a huge success, and my kids are finally back in school. Thanks goodness for snow days!! Actually, if your child is on a traditional calendar, today would have been another day off. Oh well, off to school they went this morning. For me the best part about being snowed in is wearing my furry pajamas, drinking hot chocolate, and never having to worry about my makeup. That’s right, permanent makeup is a blessing when you’re stuck in the house with nowhere to go! I received several emails from clients this month expressing their gratitude. Now that the holidays are over and you’ve given so much of yourself to those you love, it’s your turn. Holiday specials are still available. “Wake Up With Makeup”~Eyebrows before permanent makeup
Eyebrows after permanent makeup