Eyebrows ~ Just because you have beautiful eyes.......

 I have a client with the most amazing beautiful blue eyes you have ever seen. Yet, she could not see past the fact that she had little eyebrows. I can't begin to tell you how important eyebrows are. They frame your face and carry the expression in your eyes. She finally had the courage to have permanent makeup on her eyebrows. Nowadays, when someone tells her how lovely her eyes are, she simply says, "thank you" and smiles with confidence...... Just because she has beautiful eyes...........

BEFORE Permanent Makeup

AFTER Permanent Makeup

Asymmetrical Eyebrows? Yep, it happens!

Asymmetrical Eyebrows?

Asymmetrical eyebrows? Yep, it happens to the best of us….. Did you know that your entire body is asymmetrical? One hip is higher than the other, on arm is longer than the other. Yes, the human body is ART, not an exact science. This is especially true about our face. As time passes and we age, lack of symmetry becomes more noticeable, especially in our eyebrows. Eyebrow hairs becomes sparse and uneven. Permanent makeup is a great solution to add symmetry and a youthful appearance.

Improved symmetry after the procedure!!

Eyebrows before cosmetic tattooing.  This
client is way to pretty to walk around looking like this......Permanent makeup was her salvation!!...

Why Permanent Makeup?

Why permenent makeup?  A better question is "why not!".... As time passes and we get older, we loose that extra collegen in our skin.  Our face pales, our lips lack lustre, and our eyebrows thin out.  Adding color to your face in those three focal points can enhance your appearance and allow you to look younger.  My techniques always look soft and natural.  So why not, "wake up with makeup!"  Take advantage of our fall specials now.......

"A beautiful face is a greater advantage than any letter of recommendation." ~Aristotle