Eye Brows

Brows ~ Before Procedure:  The most common requested procedure are the "eyebrows".  Simply because they frame the face and are an eteranl sign of youth...
Eye Brows ~ After Procedure
Brows Before:  If you have uneven growth or little brow hairs, you can benefit greatly from this procedure.
Brows After Procedure
Brows Before:  This client's brow hair is sparce and uneven.
Brows After Procedure:  Simply beautiful!!
"I can't understand how a woman can go out looking mess, for it could be the day she has a date with destiny..."      Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel

Full Lip Procedure

Lips Before Procedure:  Everyone wants luscious, full lips. Redefine irregular contoured lips or add thickness to thin lips.  Choose from a translucent natural look or a solid opaque look.
Lips After Procedure:  This client is in her 30's and chose a "translucent" look instead of a solid lip color look.  She did not want obvious color as when you wear solid "lipstick"
Lips Before:  This client is in her 50's and she did have the desire for an obvious "lipstick" look.
Lips After:  Here is her lip procedure completed.  She wanted a rich raspberry color that complimented her blonde hair and blue eyes.  A very elegant look for a lovely mature lady.


Eyeliner: (Before procedure)  Eyes are your "window to the world".  Everyone wants thicker lashes without having to wear heavy mascara all the time.  A lash enhancement or eyeliner can help create that look naturally.
Eyeliner:  (After procedure).  Soft and delicate eyeliner enhances the eyes without being too stark.
Eyeliner:   Before Procedure
Eyeliner:  After Procedure


Brow Correction:  Sometimes an unskilled technician can give the client the wrong color.  Other times, the sun, certain medications, and facial creams the client uses can change color.  I am fully trained in "color correction" techniques and can take care of this problem in most cases.   This client was given an inappropriate cool/purple color. 
Brows After Correction:  After two applications, the clients brow color looked more natural and complimented her strawberry red hair and hazel eyes.

Breast Work

Breast Before:  This client has a simple breast lift procedure, but the lower areola healed with an irregular shape.
Breast After:  With medical micropigmentaion, the appearance of the uneven lines can be minimized for a more uniformed and natural look.